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The founding of Israel -
from both sides' perspectives.

Inspired by "Fiddler on the Roof,” “Oud Player on the Tel” uses humor, absurdism and forensic history to tell the story of Palestinian displacement by the founding of Israel.  This sensitive account looks at the story from both sides’ perspective, offering nuance and understanding in a situation where it is desperately needed.


Latest  News
Ambar Castillo, Religion News Service

Tom Block: “The role of art, in my opinion, is to go into the most difficult situations, not turn away from them,” Block said of “Oud Player.”

Playwright Tom Block aims to tell ‘two equally righteous narratives’ of Israel, Palestine

In 'Oud Player on the Tel,' playwright Tom Block, who is Jewish and identifies with Islamic mysticism, envisions a friendship between two displaced people in 1947.

And just in... Oud Player on the Tel is on short list for the 


"Oud Player on the Tel is a humorous yet poignant play that challenges its audiences through competing historic narratives. The protagonists, Melke and Amir, provide a sense of naïve hope for peaceful coexistence in the land (the eretz). However, their progeny – as absurd as they are written – remind us of the antagonistic reality on the ground."

Marina Bardash Nebro, Program Manager of Adult Programsat Central Synagogue



Production History

Oud Player on the Tel was first performed at the 14th Street Y in New York City, June 2014.

Here's an article about this performance.

A shorter version was subsequently produced as a reading at the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning in New York City, January 25, 2024. This one-act production features a smaller cast while still bringing forth a full story of empathy and understanding to lay a foundation for a greater conversation.

Here's an article about this performance.

Rehearsal photos from the JCAL reading



Cast History


JCAL Meet the Playwrights
January 2024

Mark Quiles* (Amir)

Mark Peters* (Melke)

Zach Canter (Moritz)

Emile Aslan Lacheny (Mahmud)

John Druzba* (Stage Narrations)

Directed by Jesica Garrou

* Member of Actors Equity Association 

Theater at the 14th Street Y, NYC, June 2014

Rajesh Bose (Amir)

Matthew Boston (Melke)

Alex Perabo (Moritz)

Ryan Shams (Mahmud)

Millie Torchetti (Fatima)

Rebecka Ray (Shoshana)

Abbi Hawk (Rashida)

Joya Powell (Choreography & Dancer)

Matthieu Neito (Dancer)

Directed by David Winitsky

This project is made possible (in part) with public funds from the Queens Arts Fund, a re-grant program supported by New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by New York Foundation for the Arts.



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© 2024 Tom Block and Jesica Garrou

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